“It’s Me.  Hi, I’m the Problem, It’s Me.” – The Fight Against Chronic Insomnia

“It’s Me. Hi, I’m the Problem, It’s Me.” – The Fight Against Chronic Insomnia

Who better to talk about sleep than someone who has been battling chronic insomnia for years? In the words of Taylor Swift, "It's me.  Hi. I’m the problem, it’s me."  Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for overall health and well-being and we all know creating a healthy sleep environment is key. Yet, what to do when you have tried it all, including the tried and true, counting sheep method?Years ago, I slept like a baby without giving insomnia a second thought. All through high school, I was in bed at 9:30 pm, asleep by 10:00 pm, and up at 6:00 am. Honestly, I didn’t even need an alarm clock. My body was a well-tuned sleep machine. Fast forward a few years and under the stress of a divorce I suddenly found myself wide awake at 3:00 am, daily. Again, like clockwork, only this time I was broken. Unfortunately, insomnia (my 3:00 am kind, even has its own official diagnosis: Termination Insomnia) has become a lifelong battle resulting in a lot of books read, a lot of Netflix watched, and a lot of depression, mental fogginess, slurred speech, and memory loss. My friends often text about their latest Netflix obsession, but always follow it up jokingly with, “Except Kim, we know she’s already seen it.” Yeah, yeah, funny, not funny. Before you say, “The experts say you shouldn’t turn on any form of screen if you can’t sleep,” believe me when I say I know and I have tried it all! Tried:No caffeineNo alcohol (helpful)Counting sheepCounting backwards from 100Breathing techniques (helpful)Sleep storiesWhite noiseBlack out curtainsEar plugsOver the counter sleep aidsPrescription sleep aids (helpful)CBD (helpful)Going to bed and waking up at the same time every dayExerciseTherapy, lot’s and lots of therapyNo blue light devices after 9:00 pmPutting my phone in another room at nightNo tv watching in the bedroomTurning on a boring, barely audible infomercial (sometimes works but that means falling asleep on the couch. Ugh)Keeping my room cool (helpful)Changing pj’s from sweats to tanks and shorts (helpful)New pillowsNew mattressWeighted blanketWeighted eye pillow (Nod Pod – helpful)Temperature regulating blanket (helpful)If I’m missing something, let’s circle back to my memory loss and just say if it has ever been suggested, I have tried it!A few years when life took a turn for worse and my stress was at an all-time high, I didn’t sleep for 3 days or nights. It was so miserable I would lay in bed with tears running down my face in frustration. So off to the doctor I went. Now my shrink was not only prescribing me anti-depressants and not 1, but 2 prescription sleep aids. Not fun, but necessary. Experiencing decades of insomnia, I think makes me a pseudo-expert. And if you are wondering if I’m going to recommend sleeping with a Pipermoon adult swaddle blanket or cooling bed size blanket, you are 100% correct. When I started this company, it was not my intention to make a blanket that would help with sleep, but it was a surprise of the best kind! The Pipermoon story began when I wanted to make a cozy, easily packable, oversized blanket for my teen-aged kids to take with them on the bus while traveling four to five hours each way, to and from games. Now our oversized light weight but lightly weighted blankets are known for so much more. It didn’t take long for my adult swaddle blanket to become my favorite blanket (besides the fact that it is my company, ha). I started taking it with me everywhere even noticing that my kids would wrap up in it, throwing it over their heads to sleep on road trips. It became my go-to travel blanket because planes are always cold, and I like to be covered head to toe. I mean cold feet will keep you from getting any sort of good sleep. It was during a trip to Kona, Hawaii where I booked a condo without air conditioning that I fully realized the benefits of sleeping with a Pipermoon blanket. Comforter pushed aside, my daughter and I each slept soundly covered with just a Pipermoon blanket. Around the same time customers started sending emails and messages telling me that they were experiencing the same benefits and officially can no longer sleep without their Pipermoon. Getting a good night's sleep is essential for overall health and well-being. One of the key factors in achieving restful sleep is creating a healthy sleep environment. This includes factors such as room temperature, lighting, and noise levels, as well as the bedding and other materials used in the bedroom. One key element of creating a healthy sleep environment is using a temperature regulating blanket, which can help to regulate your body temperature and keep you comfortable throughout the night.Research has shown that sleeping in a room that's too warm or too cold can lead to poor sleep quality, which can in turn lead to a range of negative health outcomes. Poor sleep has been linked to increased risk of depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders, as well as increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and other chronic health problems. By creating a healthy sleep environment, you can improve your overall health and well-being, as well as improve your quality of life. One key factor in creating a healthy sleep environment is room temperature. According to the National Sleep Foundation, the ideal room temperature for sleep is between 60- and 67-degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature range helps to promote the body's natural sleep cycle, which includes a drop in body temperature. Using a temperature regulating blanket can help to maintain this optimal temperature range throughout the night, leading to improved sleep quality and duration.I could probably teach a class on the science of sleep at this point as I’ve read every article, watched every video, and listened to every podcast about sleep. Sadly, I know insomnia is a common sleep disorder affecting millions of people every night. Overcoming insomnia requires a combination of lifestyle changes, relaxation techniques, and, in some cases, professional help. My “tried” list is a good place to start creating your own healthy sleep routine. So next time you find yourself tossing and turning at night, remember that the problem might just be you. Just don’t start singing Taylor Swift’s, “It’s me. Hi. I’m the problem it’s me.” Because then you’ll have that very unhelpful song running through your head at 3 am on top of everything else! Better grab your favorite Pipermoon blanket, put on some low calming music, and get ready to catch start your yoga breathing!
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