Hot Flashes Anyone?

Hot Flashes Anyone?

Hot flashes anyone? I was in my late thirties shopping in Target when I got my first hot flash. Starting at the top of my head, flushing down my body in a heat induced flame, I had absolutely no doubt in my mind what was happening. My first thought was, “What? I’m only in my thirties, I am way too young for this to be happening!” And my second, was “where the f#$k is my hair band?” If you have experienced a hot flash then you know exactly what I am talking about. After pulling my hair up in a ponytail I grabbed the nearest notebook off the shelf and started fanning the back of my neck like crazy!” I was also low key kind of hiding as my local Target was also the local mom meet up spot! Again, I am coming back to the fact that I was in my thirties and didn’t know that this could even be “a thing” at that age. I’m 49 this year, and let me tell you my two top perimenopause tips.  1. Keep a hairband around your wrist ready at a moments notice 2. Get yourself a breathable, cool to the touch Pipermoon blanket for your bed.  You are welcome in advance :)
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